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Guide price: £569,950
Hayling Road, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD19 - sold
Key Features & Description
  • Freehold
  • Semi Detached House
  • Three Bedrooms all with Electric Blinds
  • Spacious Reception Room
  • Fitted Kitchen wtih Water Softener and Drinking Tap Filter
  • Utility Cupboard and Storage Cupboard
  • Guest w/c
  • Master Bedroom with ensuite
  • Family Bathroom
  • Private Rear Garden
  • Off Street Parking
  • EPC Rating B
  • Council Tax Band D
  • 1095 Sq. Ft (101.7 Sq. M)

An excellent opportunity to acquire this beautifully presented property set on Oxhey’s sought after Hayling road. This three bedroom end of terrace family home is close to the amenities and transport links of Carpenders Park. The property comprises of a welcoming entrance hallway leading into a light and spacious reception room, a modern fitted kitchen with additional storage and a utility cupboard. There is a water softener to reduce limescale, and a drinking water filter. Heading up onto the first floor is the master bedroom with a storage cupboard and an ensuite. There are a further two good sized bedrooms and a family bathroom. The property also benefits from electric blinds in all bedrooms, and a half boarded loft giving extra storage. Externally there a paved driveway to the front providing off street parking and to the rear of the property is low maintenance garden with a paved...

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Northwood Area Guide

Northwood is a suburban town on the border of Greater London and Hertfordshire. It is known for having an excellent balance between proximity and ease of access to Central London and leafy, quiet roads and green space characteristic of more rural areas. There are three Underground stations served by the Metropolitan Line, making commuting into Central London easy.

There are also great schools and large, detached homes here, making this a good place for families, too. Northwood also has a high percentage of residents who are older people, showing that it's an area that appeals to all ages.

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Data refers to prices and sales numbers achieved in the last 12 months (all residential property types).
House price change compares average prices achieved in the last 12 months with the previous 12 month period.
Sources: Dataloft, Land Registry, Dataloft Rental Market Analytics

Guide price: £569,950

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