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4 Bedroom House for sale

Asking price £895,000
Holyoake Walk, Ealing, W5 - Sale Agreed
Key Features & Description
  • Impressive Period Cottage
  • Conservation Area
  • Loft & Rear Extensions
  • 23ft Reception Room
  • No Onward Chain
  • 17ft Modern Kitchen
  • Lovely 58ft Rear Garden
  • Garden Office Outbuilding
  • Council Tax Band F - / EPC - C
  • 1170 sqft (108.6sqm)

This charming period terraced cottage seamlessly combines traditional elegance with modern functionality. Skilfully extended with both loft and rear extensions, the home boasts spacious interiors ideal for hosting gatherings. The ground floor showcases a bright and airy 23ft reception room, perfect for socialising, alongside a thoughtfully designed 17ft fitted kitchen. Upstairs, four bedrooms and two bathrooms await, offering comfort and convenience. The property also features a delightful 58ft deep rear garden, providing a peaceful outdoor retreat. Completing this remarkable package is a garden office outbuilding, perfect for remote work or creative pursuits. Situated on this pretty tree lined street in the heart of Ealing's Historic Brentham Garden Estate, a conservation area of architectural merit. The property is located a short stroll from Pitshanger Lane, with its excellent local...

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Pitshanger Area Guide

If you are looking for an award-winning High Street and a great community atmosphere, then look no further than Pitshanger!

Pitshanger (sometimes referred to as Pitshanger Village) is a small but busy local suburb centred around the 50 or so shops in Pitshanger Lane. It is located about 1 mile north of Ealing Broadway.

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Data refers to prices and sales numbers achieved in the last 12 months (all residential property types).
House price change compares average prices achieved in the last 12 months with the previous 12 month period.
Sources: Dataloft, Land Registry, Dataloft Rental Market Analytics

Asking price £895,000
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