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1 Bedroom Flat/Apartment for sale

Asking price £285,000
Carmichael Close, Ruislip Gardens, Middlesex, HA4
Key Features & Description
  • Third Floor Apartment
  • One Double Bedroom
  • Reception Room
  • Fitted Kitchen
  • Bathroom
  • Loft Space
  • Communal Gardens
  • Two Parking Spaces
  • Leasehold 103 Years - EPC Rating C - Council Tax Band C
  • Service Charge £2021 pa inc. ground rent
  • 544 Sq. Ft (50.5 Sq. M)

Set in an ultra-convenient location this well-presented one double bedroom third floor apartment has an inviting and welcoming atmosphere throughout, with thoughtful design, modern finishes and stylish touches. With immense appeal for first time buyers and investors the property is situated on a sought after modern development close to the amenities and transport links of Ruislip Gardens. The property is reached via a communal entrance with secure entry phone system and comprises a welcoming entrance hallway with handy storage cupboard. There is a well-lit, spacious reception room with direct access onto the private balcony ideal for relaxing, and a modern fitted kitchen with a range of eye and base level units and space for appliances. Completing the property is a double bedroom with fitted wardrobes and a well-appointed bathroom. The property further benefits from loft access for...

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Ruislip Manor Area Guide

Ruislip Manor is located in the south-eastern part of Ruislip and borders Eastcote. It began as a single private housing estate by developer George Ball, who started creating his ‘Manor Homes’ estate in 1933. The 2,238 houses were all built to one of two basic types, mostly in terraces of four or six, although a few were semi-detached.

Ruislip Manor is a great place to live and work, 12 miles northwest of London, on the Piccadilly and Metropolitan tube lines. It offers many attractions including quiet residential streets, green spaces, excellent schools and it even has its own beach!. And, taking just 30 minutes to get to the centre of London on the tube, Ruislip Manor is also ideal for commuters.

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Data refers to prices and sales numbers achieved in the last 12 months (all residential property types).
House price change compares average prices achieved in the last 12 months with the previous 12 month period.
Sources: Dataloft, Land Registry, Dataloft Rental Market Analytics

Asking price £285,000
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