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4 Bedroom House for sale

Asking price £1,390,000
Gunnersbury Avenue, Ealing, London, W5
Key Features & Description
  • Semi-detached house
  • Planning permission in place to extend further
  • Four double bedrooms
  • 104 ft garden
  • Off-street parking for multiple cars
  • Garage and external storage
  • Minutes from Acton Town Station
  • Close to top-rated schools and amenities
  • Freehold. EPC Rating E. Council Tax Band G.
  • 1873 Sq. Ft. (173.8 Sq. M)

A wonderful semi-detached family home located on Gunnersbury Avenue. Positioned directly opposite the beautiful Gunnersbury Park, this property offers ample accommodation over two floors and a generous 104ft garden. With four spacious double bedrooms, a large loft space ripe for conversion, with approved plans for a part single-storey, part two-storey rear/side wraparound extension, and a roof extension to the rear of the main roofslope, including two new rooflights to the front (Reference: 232511HH), this home promises ample room for growth and personalisation. Nestled on a large plot, the house features off-street parking for multiple cars, a garage, and external storage, all set back from the road for added privacy. Inside, you'll find a welcoming family bathroom and versatile living areas, making this an ideal home for families of all sizes. Additionally, a single-storey detached...

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Ealing Broadway Area Guide

On the doorstep of some of West London’s most glorious open spaces and vibrant local amenities, Ealing’s popularity has catapulted in recent years. Having undergone a huge transformation from a rural Middlesex village into a major metropolitan district, the borough is teeming with independent restaurants, coffee shops and retail outlets. Whether you are a first-time buyer, a professional couple, or a family, you will be spoiled for choice.

For children, Ealing is home to some excellent youth sports clubs including hockey, football, and swimming or for budding young performers, there are various clubs that offers drama, dance, singing and music practice.

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Data refers to prices and sales numbers achieved in the last 12 months (all residential property types).
House price change compares average prices achieved in the last 12 months with the previous 12 month period.
Sources: Dataloft, Land Registry, Dataloft Rental Market Analytics

Asking price £1,390,000
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