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Gibbs Gillespie Property Management Location

Our Property Management Centre is at the hub of our highly successful and award-winning residential lettings division. Our team of experienced property managers will keep you updated on current legislation and advise you on everything related to property management.

Gibbs Gillespie Property Management


Key Contacts

Nicola Martin MARLA - Gibbs Gillespie
Nicola Martin MARLA Head of Property Management Email now 01895 200900
Nicholas Edwards MARLA - Gibbs Gillespie
Nicholas Edwards MARLA Regional Lettings Director Email now 01895 200900

Property Management

Gibbs Gillespie offers a full property management service that allows landlords to maximise their return on investment without it taking up any of their time, giving them peace of mind that their investments are being properly looked after by a professional managing agent.

Property Market Intelligence

Providing data-driven insight into the local residential property market.

Areas Covered by Gibbs Gillespie Property Management

Click here to view all the data and analysis on how the local property market is performing today.

Data refers to prices and sales numbers achieved in the last 12 months (all residential property types).
House price change compares average prices achieved in the last 12 months with the previous 12 month period.
Sources: Dataloft, Land Registry, Dataloft Rental Market Analytics

What our customers say

Properties for Sale

Properties to Rent

Property Valuation

We enjoy intimate and unparalleled knowledge of property values in your area.